Toxicology & Risk Assessment

Acknowledgement of country:
- We in ACTRA acknowledge the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the unceded lands and waters across Australia where we conduct the business of the society.
- We also respectfully acknowledge their Ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging.
About ACTRA:
ACTRA celebrated its 15-year anniversary at the first virtual Annual Scientific Meeting in August 2021, having been launched at a special symposium showcasing Australasian environmental toxicology in Melbourne in July 2006 (see special issue J. Toxicol. Environ. Health. 70 (19-20), Oct 2007). Worldwide there are currently 142 members of ACTRA.
ACTRA’s objectives are to:
- Advance the study and applications of toxicology and health risk assessment as professional scientific disciplines, and
- Cultivate (and maintain) the highest standards of professional practice and ethics in persons engaged in the sciences of toxicology and health risk assessment.
Membership of ACTRA is open to those working in the fields of toxicology and risk assessment. All members receive electronic newsletters, monthly updates and subsidised meeting, webinar and workshop registration fees.
View the ACTRA Membership page
Professional Register:
ACTRA has established a peer-reviewed Registration Program to recognise and maintain the professional competence of scientists from Australia and New Zealand. Registrants must demonstrate appropriate educational and professional achievements, and maintenance of registration requires continuing education and professional activity.
View ACTRA Registration page
ACTRA has 31 registered members (as Fellows or Registrants) and growing.
View ACTRA Professional Register page
ACTRA Awards of Merit:
2016, Professor Brian Priestly (ACTRA President 2006-2011);
2019, Dr Peter Di Marco (ACTRA President 2011-2019; IUTOX President, 2019-2022).
2022, Dr Andrew Harman (ACTRA Treasurer 2006-).
2023, Assoc Prof Dr Paul Wright (ACTRA President 2019-2023).

ACTRA Committee and Sub-Committees
ACTRA Committee
President: Tarah Hagen
Immediate Past President: Paul Wright
Past President IUTOX: Peter Di Marco
Vice-President: Katie Richardson
Treasurer: Andrew Harman
Secretary: Rhian Cope
Membership Officer: Effi Liden
Ordinary Members: Lorraine Webster
Ordinary Members: Maryam Moslehi
Note: Under rule 21 of the ACTRA Constitution, the Committee has power to co-opt members to various co-ordinating roles.
ACTRA Sub-Committees
Names of Committee heads listed below
Marketing & Communications: Rhian Cope
Education: Maryam Moslehi
Governance and Finance: Andrew Harman
Membership & Registration: Effi Liden
ASM 2024: To be advised
Note: If an ACTRA member is interested in volunteering on one of the ACTRA sub-committees, please forward your interest to the ACTRA Secretariat who will put you in touch with the appropriate committee member.