Toxicology & Risk Assessment

The ACTRA Professional Register
Level of Registration | Description |
Fellow | Highest Professional Grade in the field of toxicology and/or risk assessment |
Registered member | Competent professional in the field of toxicology and/or risk assessment |
Registrants of ACTRA are required to have an acceptable education leading to an appropriate qualification together with any additional training required to achieve the necessary competence to practice their profession.
Members of ACTRA are governed by its Code of Ethics. In addition, Registrants are governed by its Code of Professional Conduct. Registrants will be expected to observe these standards.
Any Registrant found not to meet these requirements may be removed from the Register, and this removal may be made public.
Inclusion in the Register, exclusion or removal from it will be decided by a Registration Panel. In the event of proposed removal from the Register a minimum of one month’s notice will be given to provide an opportunity for personal representation, or through a representative, to the Registration Panel. Such disciplinary action is governed by a ByLaw dealing with complaints and disciplinary proceedings.
All registrants and Fellows of ACTRA , other than Honorary Fellows of ACTRA are required to remain financial members of ACTRA and to pay an annual retention fee of $25.00 which may be varied from time to time by the registrar. The registration or fellowship will require to be renewed after 5 years subject to the provisions of the ACTRA bylaws and includes a fee of $300.00.
Summary of ACTRA Registrants
(in alphabetical order)
Name | Level of Registration | Contact Phone |
Nathan Aust | RACTRA | 0431 379 840 |
Adam Capon | RACTRA | +61 2 9614 0297 |
Anand Chandra | RACTRA | 0433 080 435 |
Des Connell | FACTRA | 07 3735 4082 |
Dr Rhian Cope | FACTRA | 02 6232 8668 |
Janet Cumming | RACTRA | 07 3328 9346 |
Giorgio De Nola | RACTRA | 03 9907 6023 |
Roger Drew | FACTRA | 0412 108 394 |
John Frangos | FACTRA | +61 407717847 |
Mirella Goetzmann |
RACTRA | +61 8 9222 2000 |
Belinda Goldsworthy | RACTRA | + 61 7 47201521 |
Tarah Hagen | RACTRA | 0428 363 897 |
Neale Jackson | FACTRA | 0414 949 340 |
Ruth Jarman | RACTRA | +61 447 084 439 |
Victor Kabay | RACTRA | +61 3 8458 2466 |
Keng Meng Khoo | RACTRA | +65 65214036 |
Victoria Lazenby | FACTRA | 0402 837 327 |
Frederich Leusch | FACTRA | 07 5552 7832 |
Alyson Macdonald | RACTRA | 03 8542 7500 |
Therese Manning | FACTRA | +61 2 9614 0297 |
Slade Matthews | FACTRA | 0403 463 347 |
Maryam Moslehi | RACTRA | 0432 691 923 |
Stina Nikolayson | RACTRA | +61 488 211 236 OR/ +61 2 8252 0000 |
Jack Ng | FACTRA | 07 3274 9020 |
Sim Ooi | FACTRA | 0418 317 835 |
Brian Priestly | FACTRA | 0413 607 285 |
Katie Richardson | RACTRA | 0403 993 727 |
Alan Seawright | FACTRA | +61 (0)7 3274 9009 |
Sandeep Sood | RACTRA | 0409 794 456 |
Madeleine Thomas | RACTRA | 0419 838 680 |
Lorraine Webster | RACTRA | 0438340394 |
Jackie Wright | FACTRA | +61 2 9614 0297 OR/ +61 425 206 295 |
Paul Wright | FACTRA | 0407 925 709 |
Full Contact Details & Areas of Practice
Name: | Aust, Nathan RACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Registered |
Place of Employment: | WSP Australia Pty Ltd |
Address: | Sunshine Coast, Queensland |
Telephone: | 0431 379 840 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | Nathan Aust |
Practice Areas | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Keywords |
Name: | Capon, Adam RACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Registered |
Place of Employment: | Principal, Environmental Risk Sciences Pty Ltd |
Address: | 6 Wilshire Ave, Carlinford NSW 2118 |
Telephone: | +61 2 96140297 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | TBA |
Practice Areas | Human Health Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Name | Chandra, Anand |
Level of Registration | Registered |
Place of Employment | Lead Consultant, Ramboll Australia Pty Ltd |
Address | Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway, North Sydney, NSW 2060 |
Telephone | 0433080435 | | |
LinkedIn Profile | |
Practice Areas | Toxicology (Cousulting) Ecotoxicology (Aquatic) Human Health Risk Assessment (Regulatory / Consulting) Ecological Risk Assessment (Regulatory / Consulting) Supporting Science (Expert Support) |
Key Words | Contaminated Land Contaminant Fate and Transport Emerging Contaminants (PFAS) Vapour Intrusion & Blood Lead Modelling Site Specific Guideline Values |
Name: | Connell, Des FACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow |
Place of Employment: | Griffith School of the Environment |
Address: | Nathan, Queensland, 4111 |
Telephone: | 07 38754082 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | |
Practice Areas: | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Key Words |
Name: | Cope, Dr Rhian B. BVSC., BSC(HONS) PHD., CGLPCP, DABT., ERT and FACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow |
Place of Employment: | Senior Toxicologist Therapeutic Goods Administration |
Address: | 136 Narrabundah Lane, Symonston ACT 2609, Australia |
Telephone: | 02 6232 8668 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | |
Practice Areas | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Key Words |
Name: | Cumming, Janet RACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Registrant |
Place of Employment: | Department of Health, Queensland |
Address: | Level 3, 15 Butterfield St, Heston, QLD 4006 |
Telephone: | 07 3328 9346 |
Email: | |
Practice Areas: | Human Health Risk Assessment
Key Words: |
Name: | De Nola, GiorgioRACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Registrant |
Place of Employment: | Kleinfelder |
Address: | Level 1, 95 Coventry Street, Sth Melbourne, VIC 3205 |
Telephone: | 03 9907 6023 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | |
Practice Areas | ToxicologyConsultingHuman Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Key Words |
Name: | Drew, Roger FACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow |
Place of Employment: | Drew Toxicology Consulting Pty Ltd |
Address: | 1944 Malvern Road, Malvern East, VIC 3145 |
Telephone: | +61 412 108 394 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | |
Practice Areas: | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Key Words: |
Name: | Frangos, John FACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow |
Place of Employment: | CDM Smith |
Address: | Level 1, 30 Wangaratta Street, Richmond VIC 3121 |
Telephone: | +61 407717847 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: |> |
Practice Areas: | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Key Words |
Name: | Goetzmann, Mirella |
Level of Registration: | RACTRA |
Place of Employment: | WA Dept of Health, Health Directorate |
Address: | 189 Royal Street, East Perth WA |
Telephone: | (08) 9222 2000 |
Email: | |
Practice Areas: |
Key Words |
Name: | Goldsworthy, Belinda |
Level of Registration: | RACTRA |
Place of Employment: | AECOM Australia |
Address: | Level 5, 7-13 Tomlins Street, South Townsville, QLD 4810 |
Telephone: | + 61 7 47201521 |
Email: | |
Linked-In Profile | |
Practice Areas: |
Key Words: |
Name: | Hagen, Tarah |
Level of Registration: | RACTRA |
Place of Employment: | SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd |
Address: | Unit 2, 2 Domville Avenue, Hawthorn VIC 3122 |
Telephone: | 0428 363 897 |
Email: | |
Practice Areas: | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Key Words: |
Name: | Jackson, NealeFACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow |
Place of Employment: | Lisa J Stevens & Associates |
Address: | PO Box 3028, Challis St PO, Newport VIC 3015 |
Telephone: | 0414 949 340 |
Email: | |
Practice Areas: | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Key Words: |
Name: | Jarman, Ruth RACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Registered |
Place of Employment: | Enrisks |
Address: | PO Box 2537 Carlingford Court, NSW, 2118 |
Telephone: | +61 447 084 439 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | TBA |
Practice Areas: | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Supporting Science
Key Words: |
Name: | Kabay, Victor |
Level of Registration: | Registered |
Place of Employment: | Environment Protection Authority Victoria |
Address: | Ernest Jones Drive, Macleod VIC 3085 |
Telephone: | +61 3 8458 2466 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Profile: | TBC |
Practice Areas: | Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Key Words: |
Name | Khoo, Keng Meng |
Level of Registration | RACTRA |
Place of Employment | Lonza, Arch Chemicals Singapore Pte Ltd |
Address | 10 Science Park Rd, #02-12, The Alpha Singapore Science Park II, Singapore |
Telephone | +65 65214036 | | |
LinkedIn Profile | |
Practice Areas | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Key Words |
Name: | Lazenby, Victoria FACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow |
Place of Employment: | Terravale Consulting Pty Ltd |
Address: | PO Box 2007 Fitzroy VIC 3066 |
Telephone: | 0402 837 327 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | Victoria Lazenby |
Practice Areas: | Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Key Words: |
Name: | Leusch, Frederic FACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow |
Place of Employment | Griffith University |
Address: | Building G51, Gold Coast Campus, Southport, QLD, 4222 |
Telephone: | 07 5552 7832 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | |
Key Words: |
Name: | Macdonald, Alyson RACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Registered |
Place of Employment: | Principal Audit Support, Australian Environmental Auditors Pty Ltd |
Address: | Suite 21,1 Ricketts Rd, Mount Waverly, Vic, 3149 |
Telephone: | 03 85427500 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | |
Practice Areas: | Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Name: | Manning, Therese FACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow |
Place of Employment: | Principal, Environmental Risk Sciences Pty Ltd 2012 to present |
Address: | 6 Wilshire Ave, Carlingford NSW 2118 |
Telephone: | +61 2 9614 0297 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | |
Practice Areas: | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Key Words: | Contaminated Land Guideline Development Vapour Intrusion Health Impact Assessment |
Name | Matthews, Slade FACTRA |
Level of Registration | Fellow |
Place of Employment | Senior Lecturer, The University of Sydney, Sydney Pharmacy School, Faculty of Medicine and Health |
Telephone: | 0403 463 347 |
Email: | |
Practice Areas | Toxicology Regulatory ; Academic/Teaching; Consulting; Human Health Risk assessment – Academic /Teaching |
Key Words | Pharmacology, cheminformatics, QSAR, Pharmacokinetics, Computer modelling |
Name | Moslehi, Maryam RACTRA |
Level of Registration | Registrant |
Place of Employment | CDM Smith Australia |
Address | 1/30 Wangaratta St, Richmond VIC 3121 |
Telephone | 0432 691 923 | | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile | |
Practice Areas | Consulting (Toxicology and Risk Assessment) |
Key Words: | Toxicology Human health risk assessment Ecological risk assessment |
Name | Nikolaysen, Stina RACTRA |
Level of Registration | Senior Associate Risk Assessor |
Place of Employment | Senversa |
Address | Level 24, 1 Market St, Djubuguli, Eora Country, Sydney, NSW, 2000 |
Telephone | +61 488 211 236/+61 2 8252 0000 | | |
Practice Areas | Human Health Risk Assessment Ecological Risk Assessment Expert support |
Key Words | Contaminated Land Human Health Risk Assessment Ecological Risk Assessment |
Name | Ng, JackFACTRA |
Level of Registration | Fellow |
Place of Employment | University of Queensland |
Address | 5 Tapscott St, Wishart, Brisbane QLD 4122 |
Telephone | 07 3274 9020 | | |
Practice Areas | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Key Words |
Name: | Ooi, Dr Sim FACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow |
Place of Employment: | Salcor Consulting |
Address: | PO Box 1016, Glen Waverley VIC 3150 |
Telephone: | 0418 317 835 |
Email: | |
Practice Areas: | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Key Words: |
Name: | Priestly, Prof Brian FACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow |
Place of Employment: | Monash University (now part-time) |
Address: | 8B Sturt Avenue, Toorak Gardens, SA 5065 (home) |
Telephone: | 0413 607 285 |
Email: | |
Practice Areas: | Toxicology
Human Health Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Key Words: |
Name | Richardson, Katie RACTRA |
Level of Registration | Registered |
Place of Employment | Senversa |
Address | Level 6, 15 William Street, Melbourne 3000 |
Telephone | 0403 993 727 | | |
Practice Areas | Human Health Risk Assessment
Ecological Risk Assessment
Supporting Sciences
Key Words |
Name | Sood, SandeepRACTRA |
Level of Registration | Registrant |
Place of Employment | Advanced Skin Technology |
Address | Unit 8, Keysborough Close, Fiveways Business Centre, Keysborough VIC, 3173 |
Telephone | 0409 794 456 | | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile | |
Practice Area |
Keywords |
Name: | Seawright, Dr Alan – DVSc, PRD, BSe, FRCVS, FRC.Path, DABT, Hon. ACVP, MACVSC, FACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow* (*Honorary Fellow of ACTRA) |
Place of Employment: | EnTox (National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology) |
Address: | 39 Kessels Rd, Coopers Plain Qld 4108 |
Telephone: | +61 (0)7 3274 9009 |
Email: | |
Specialisms: |
Name: | Thomas, Madeleine RACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Registrant |
Place of Employment: | Golder Associates Pty Ltd (Member of WSP) |
Address: | Building 7, Botanicca Corporate Park, 570 – 588 Swan Street, Richmond, Victoria 3121 |
Telephone: | 0419 838 680 |
Email: | |
Practice Areas: | Human Health Risk Assessment – Consulting Ecological Risk Assessment – Consulting |
Key Words | Risk Communication Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment Vapour Intrusion Environmental Fate and Transport |
Name: | Webster, Lorraine RACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Registrant |
Place of Employment: | Senior Consultant LK Webster Consulting |
Address: | 22/67 Barraclough Crescent, Monash, ACT 2904 |
Telephone: | 0438340394 |
Email: | |
Practice Areas: | Toxicology: *Regulatory *ConsultingEcotoxicology *Aquatic *TerrestrialHuman Health Risk Assessment *Regulatory *Consulting |
Key Words | Toxicology Laboratory Selection Inspection GLP Study Monitoring ADME/Pharmacokinetics |
Name: | Wright, Jackie FACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow |
Place of Employment: | Owner and director of Environmental Risk Sciences Pty Ltd 2008 to present |
Address: | 6 Wilshire Ave, Carlingford NSW 2118 |
Telephone: | +61 2 9614 0297 or +61 425 206 295 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | view?id=50467669&trk=hb_tab_pro_top |
Practice Areas: | Toxicology *Regulatory *ConsultingHuman Health Risk Assessment *Regulatory *Experimental *Academic/Teaching *ConsultingEcological Risk Assessment *Regulatory *Consulting Supporting Sciences |
Key Words: | Contaminated Land Health Impact Assessment Clandestine Drug Laboratories Vapour Intrusion Guideline Development |
Name: | Wright, Paul FACTRA |
Level of Registration: | Fellow |
Place of Employment: | RMIT University |
Address: | School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University, Bundoora VIC 3083 |
Telephone: | 0407 925 709 |
Email: | |
LinkedIn Professional Profile: | |
Toxicology *Experimental *Academic / Teaching |
Key Words: |
The information displayed comprises a summary of information provided by each Registrant and reviewed by ACTRA. Users of the ACTRA Register are advised to seek further details from individual Registrants regarding their experience as appropriate. Details of registration requirements can be viewed on this website.